Check out this complete marketing funnel of video content from Moz that educates and draws in their audience while also raising awareness of their brand.

Moz educate their audience at every stage of the video content marketing funnel in this week's Video Worth Sharing.In the final week of our video content marketing month, today's Video Worth Sharing features a video marketing funnel from a B2B SaaS company taking over the inbound world: Moz.

Moz, previously known as SEOmoz, sells inbound marketing and analytics software to help marketers do their jobs more effectively.

The brand has used video content for many years to stand itself apart from competitors and position itself as a leading industry expert. Most notably, its Whiteboard Friday is one of the most popular and long-running video series in the marketing world.

So let's find out how they do it.


Video Worth Sharing #8

Awareness Stage | Whiteboard Friday

Say hello to a heavyweight of the video content marketing world. Whiteboard Friday is a top of funnel video series that's been educating marketers for close to a decade. It's what put Moz on the map and is constantly building brand awareness. Always insightful and rightly renowned.



Consideration Stage | Why We Love Moz

After being drawn in by Moz's educational content, leads are likely to want to find out more. So the brand created this 'About Us' video to show their culture and values to potential customers. We buy from people we like, which is why this type of video is strong consideration content.



Decision Stage | Keyword Explorer Overview

Before leads take the plunge and convert, they want to know the service they're buying will tick all the boxes they need it to. Tutorials or instructional videos like this prove just how simple Moz's tools are to use and how many useful features they contain, making purchase that much easier.




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Lydia Cockerham

Written by Lydia Cockerham Copywriter for Venture Videos — a full-service video production agency that specialises in producing creative videos & campaigns that get real results.

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