Venture is Filming Again Safely

Back behind the camera, prioritizing client and crew health with safety measures for filming.

We're excited to announce that we are back behind the camera producing awesome video content! 

You are probably aware that a few weeks ago the government announced that film production can restart. We've taken some time to make sure we understand these new regulations and adapt our filming policies and processes to ensure the safety of our crew and clients.

Steps we're taking to ensure safe filming

The video below outlines the steps we are taking as a team to ensure everyone is safe on our sets, whilst continuing to  produce high quality content.


  1. Everyone on set will keep 2 metres apart
  2. We will screen all personnel before commissioning them, this includes on the day
  3. Cast are chosen through online performances
  4. All equipment is sanitised before arriving and regularly throughout the day
  5. All departments will work in rotation to minimise close physical contact
  6. We will maintain a quiet set in order to facilitate clear communication between director, cast and crew. Radios will be used if required

Not planning on filming on a set?

No matter what your plans, minimising risk will be at the centre of what we do. We will work hard to prepare and plan the day very carefully to prioritise safety.

We will be reviewing the government guidelines on a daily basis and will keep you updated as and when things change. But for now, be assured that we are committed to creating great video content whilst looking after the health and safety of everyone involved.

If you're not sure how to film during Covid-19, click here to request our Covid-secure Filming Checklist __

If you would like to chat more about how we can produce high-quality video content for you whilst remaining safe during this time, get in touch.

Imogen Hibberd

Written by Imogen Hibberd Copywriter for Skeleton — a full-service video production agency that specialises in producing creative videos & campaigns that get real results.

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