How to Pick the Right Video Production Agency for You

It's hard to know if a video production agency will be the right fit for your business. Ask yourself these 6 questions.

Stuck choosing a video agency to work with on your video content? It can be hard to know if an agency will be the right fit for your business and able to deliver the results you need.


Let us help you narrow down the ideal video production agency for whatever you're looking to achieve with video. Read on for 6 questions you need to ask yourself when picking a video agency.

1. Do they care about you and your video content?

Actually talk to the agency. Are they genuinely interested in what your business does? Do they ask questions that are relevant and specific? If the video agency isn't invested, they won't understand your purpose or goals well enough to be able to ensure your video content succeeds.

2. Are they happy to put forward strong ideas?

If you want exceptional and results-driven video, you'll likely be looking for an agency that offers its own suggestions for your video content rather than passively agreeing with everything you suggest. The insight and imagination of a video agency should be apparent in all of their ideas, and you should feel confident about working with them as partners on the production of your video content.

3. Will they add value and give you guidance?

The best video agencies use their expert knowledge and experience, along with their creative flair, to guide you when it comes to planning, producing and using your videos. Yes, this means sometimes they may challenge your assumptions. But only an agency confident enough to use their expertise will get you the best possible results using the full potential of video, from reaching your target audience to engaging your viewers to compelling them to think, feel and act.

If the agency has more experience than your business does when it comes to optimising video and getting it seen (and they probably do), you may also want them to handle your video distribution.

4. Do they track analytics to see how your videos are performing?

There's no use in creating a great piece of video content if you can't track whether it meets its measures of success. Any video agency worth its salt will be able to tell you how well your video content is meeting its targets. Regular analytical updates are key to tracking the success of your videos and finding out exactly what worked (and what didn't). Ask upfront if the video agency can provide this service.

5. What does the evidence say?

Take a look at the agency's videos. Do they seem well-produced and professional? Read their testimonials, and check out their case studies. Do past clients seem happy with the results of their video content? Look for reviews in unusual places, or ask those who've worked with the agency for their opinion.

6. Do you want to work with them?

At the end of the day, you'll work best with a video agency that you actually like. Do they make you feel understood, respected and cared for? Is there a culture fit? And can they meet more practical restraints like your deadline and budget? If they tick most of the above boxes and you're genuinely excited about working with them, you may well have the right video agency for your needs.


That's how to pick the right video agency for you. Just make sure you ask yourself those 6 questions, and you'll be able to find yourself a partner in video strategy, production and marketing that is professional, experienced, creative, and ideally suited to help you meet your goals.

Are we the video agency you're looking for? ;) Let's get to know each other. Drop us a line so we can talk about what you're looking to achieve with video, and how we can help.

James Bryant

Written by James Bryant Video strategist and co-founder for Venture Videos — a full-service video production agency that specialises in producing creative videos & campaigns that get real results.

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