Laugh out Loud ft. BBC 4, New Zealand Police, Lax-a-Day

Explore genuinely amusing video ads for effective marketing humour

Enjoy a laugh with this week's Video Worth Sharing.We all deserve a laugh every so often.

Luckily, there's a lot of funny out there in the world of video advertising.

Business and brands often try to tickle our funny bone so that we'll remember them, come to trust them, and consider buying from them.

It's a solid tactic, as long as your video is actually funny.

And these ones are! We've rounded up three examples of genuinely amusing video ads for your enjoyment. So let's get to it.


Video Worth Sharing #42

New Zealand Police | New Cops

New Zealand wants to become the safest country in the world, but to do so it needs more brave police officers. This brilliantly quirky ad is part of the latest drive by the country's police force to boost their numbers. It's weird, wonderful and totally New Zealand. Just watch.



Lax-a-Day | Long Time No See

Okay, so laxatives aren't exactly the most glamorous product in the world to sell. But this ad is testament to the fact that you can make anything funny if you try. Without resording to anything too crude, this video is a brilliant example of why you might want to try Lax-a-Day's... er... offering.



BBC 4 | Better With Music

You may well have seen those funny YouTube clips making the rounds where music videos are redubbed as if there was no music playing at all. BBC 4 have taken the concept and run with it for this hilarious series of ads promoting their Top of the Pops reruns.




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Lydia Cockerham

Written by Lydia Cockerham Copywriter for Venture Videos — a full-service video production agency that specialises in producing creative videos & campaigns that get real results.

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